Programs & Services

Report a Crime, Incident, or Suspicious Activity

Request a Site Assessment

The Capitol Police Division offers site assessments to State entities with the purpose of providing options for consideration to harden and better secure a facility or office.  The site assessment identifies procedures, signage, psychological barriers, fencing, shrubbery, key controls, panic alarms, etc. that could be relatively easy to incorporate or modify into the existing complex thus providing better security.  To schedule a site assessment in the Reno / Carson City area call 775-684-0234 or for the Las Vegas area call 702-486-0611.  A site assessment may also be requested through the Capitol Police online reporting program found on the webpage.

    Active Shooter Awareness and Preparedness Training

    The Capitol Police Division offers Active Shooter Awareness and Preparedness training to all civilian state employees. This class is scheduled for two and a half hours. It will discuss topics including planning for and responding to active shooter incidents. Other topics include preparedness and office safety. Please check NEATS for upcoming classes. If your agency would like to host a class or you have any questions please call 775-684-0234.

      Personal Safety for Social Workers Entering a Client's Home

      Capitol Police offers Personal Safety for Social Workers Entering a Client’s Home. This one and a half hour class is designed to create awareness to the dangers of entering a home and how to mitigate those dangers through planning, preparation and prevention.  Please check NEATS for upcoming classes or to asked questions. If your agency wants to host a class,  please call 775-684-0234.

        Public Records Requests

        In accordance with NRS 239.052(2), (3), fees for copies of public records of the Department of Public Safety, Capitol Police Division, are available at the following location: 101 North Carson Street, Carson City, Nevada, 89701.

          The Department of Public Safety fee schedule may also be found at: